Indigenous Innovation

Can Kenya lead the way to a new kind of prosperity in Africa? And can Maasai warriors teach western tycoons leadership the world needs for the 21st century?

Jacqueline McGlade, Professor of Resilience and Sustainable Development at the Institute for Global Prosperity (IGP) speaks about PROCOL Kenya, a new programme launched by the IGP to develop innovative pathways to prosperity, autonomy and resilience in Africa.

PROCOL Kenya works on the premise that economic growth has failed to produce prosperity and a good quality of life for most of the world’s population, and that ‘honest independent science brokers’ from the IGP and its partner institutions, can help Kenya come up with alternatives. The research is based on empowering the community to become researchers themselves and acquire the knowledge they need to make decisions that will promote their ‘natural prosperity’.

“The Maasai have extraordinary medicinal plants,” says McGlade. “They have an insulin plant, antimicrobials that will knock the socks of anything you can get from the pharmacy, anti-malarial, anti-cancer treatments. They have the potential to turn these things into global products in a sustainable way” she says.

Read the full article here.